Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Post 'Everesting' post

So, how are you meant to follow the post after such a big challenge like 'Everesting'?
I've taken the last few weeks very easy. Mainly eating huge amounts of chocolate, biscuits and cake, all in the name of celebration obviously.
First week was a total of 50miles which is the lowest weekly total since May 2013 including a couple of commutes and few hours on MTB in the Quantocks with Emila, last week I've managed to ride approx. 100miles including a ride with Pete and George to Tetbury. We discovered a new cafe and I honestly thought that Ill never say that there is too much cake choice, but I think a selection of nine is plenty for any bikocake lover.
Aiming to do about 150 miles this week and next perhaps. It's so nice to take a few weeks off mid season where I don't HAVE to ride a certain amount of miles at certain heart rate in certain direction and with certain amount of climbing.
I was wondering what will be my next target for this year, after the rest period I will most likely participate in two of the local clubs hill climbing championships. Severn Road Club HC taking place on 4th October and Bristol South scheduled for 19th October. Ill write a bit more about both pretty soon.

Also I am browsing various sites for blog layout ideas as at the moment this looks pretty basic, so please bear with me whilst I try and improve things.

Nearly forgot that I got a mention on Tejvan Pettingers website, which Im pretty chuffed about. He's currently the National Hill Climbing champion so he definitely knows his stuff.

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